Marshaling from and Unmarshaling between JSON and structs in Go, is done using the built-in encoding/json package and often relies heavily on struct tags
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Go form handling

Instead of passing a name argument as a URL parameter as we did in our Hello World example, we can improve the user experience using HTML forms. The built-in http.Request object gives us access to posted form variables, using the PostFormValue() method.…
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Go templates

Go comes with a built-in html/template package, that supports variables, loops, functions, and more. This allows us to simplify our handlers by delegating the display logic to a template…
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Go Chi HTTP router

Using the built-in ServeMux router is a good way to get started with the net/http package and the Handler interface, but for something more serious you might want to look into some of the more advanced routers that are available…
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Go HTTP server

Go makes it very easy to create HTTP servers using the standard library net/http package…
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Hello world

Hello world. After years of using Python almost exclusively for everything from web development to data engineering, I’m deep-diving into Go. Here I will try to document the things I learn as I go.…
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